To cater to a younger and more diverse demographic while honouring its heritage, a new brand proposition has been meticulously crafted. The brand identity mirrors the same level of attention to detail and craftsmanship that Rolls-Royce dedicates to each vehicle it produces.
Drawing inspiration from its rich legacy, the new logotype and Spirit of Ecstasy Icon are reimagined based on the original company drawings from its foundation years. These refreshed elements, along with the iconic double R monogram, play distinct roles in the brand's visual identity. The logotype serves as the brand's signature, complementing the Monogram in all applications, while the Spirit of Ecstasy icon is featured in lifestyle products, gifts, and the brand's digital platforms. The brand's new Purple Spirit colour, inspired by the rarity of the first purple pigment ever produced, symbolises the epitome of luxury.
Furthermore, the design of the ethereal yet expressive pattern, influenced by the Spirit of Ecstasy, sets the tone for the brand's visual language across various media and touch points, creating a cohesive and immersive brand experience.
Marina Willer
Hamlet Auyeung, Cleber de Campos, Marta Gaspar
Creative Coder
Felix Faire
Spirit of Expression Icon
Chris Mitchell
Brand film and motion design
Nomad Studio
Project management
Kate Blewett
View Pentagram case study